
St. Ephrem’s Library

St. Ephrem’s Library is established with a vision to help the students of the St. Ephrem’s Theological College in their pursuit of higher erudition and wisdom. Even when priorities are set upon our students, St. Ephrem’s Library is never hesitant to open its wide variety of the sources of knowledge for outsiders too. All the institutions in the vicinity of St. Ephrem’s Theological College, profits immensely from this Library. St. Ephrem’s Library, well structured in three stories as part of the St. Ephrem’s Theological College’ building, contains more than 16,000 books of different disciplines. The library maintains a fully computerised catalogue of books in different categories, to facilitate fruitful and easy access. 

The library has a Father librarian and a full time paid library assistant for the care of the daily maintenance, running and updating of its facilities. There are also library assistants from among students who contribute in various ways to the fruitful running of our library.We also make it a point to update and enrich our library facilities every year with new books and journals catching up with the growth of information technology. 

Our Library offers the following services:

Circulation services which checks in/out, renews and puts on hold book and other library materials.

We also subscribe to around 100 national and international journals (reviews) which are weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual.Photocopying, Printing and Scanning Services are available with the Library.

Suggest-a-Purchase: St. Ephrem’s Library accommodates recommendations for the purchase of books and other library materials and subscriptions to journals and online resources.

A reading room is set apart as part of the Library for the regular display of journals, magazines, weeklies and other periodicals.Our reference hall is spacious enough and equipped with modern series of referencedata, to allow as many as fifty people to work simultaneously.

The Digital Wing of our Library (which is future project) possesses a large collection of e-books and digital data. It loans audiovisual materials too.